File Manager

File Manager

The File Manager allows to manage your site through HTTP rather than an FTP tool.It can upload, create or delete files, organize files in folders and change file permissions.File Manager gives you all the basic functionality necessary to manage your site. On this page How to access the File Manager? Creating a new folder Uploading…

Understanding how password protecting a directory works

Understanding how password protecting a directory works

You can limit access to certain resources of your website by password protecting the directories they are in.When you choose to password protect a directory in cpanel,It creates a rule in .htaccess file.This rule specifies that the folder is protected and the visitor will need to provide the proper username and password to log in…

FTP Manager

FTP Manager

FTP(File Transfer Protocol) is a fast and convenient way to transfer files over the  internet. That is why many webmasters use FTP for uploading their websites files on their hosting accounts. FTP Clients:- 1)FileZilla:- It is a powerful and free software for transferring files over the internet.Here you can Download FileZilla Software Installation:- The FileZilla Installation…