
FTP Manager

FTP(File Transfer Protocol) is a fast and convenient way to transfer files over the  internet. That is why many webmasters use FTP for uploading their websites files on their hosting accounts.

FTP Clients:-


It is a powerful and free software for transferring files over the internet.Here you can Download FileZilla Software


The FileZilla Installation on the windows OS is simple.Log in your windows software with admin account.After the download of the current package(.exe)Click on it.The License Agreement screen will appear.

Click on the I Agree button.
On the next screen you should decide whether every user of the OS can work with the FTP Client or it is allowed only for the admin account.


Click on the Next button to proceed.
select the components which you want to install.


Then click on the next button
The next window allows you to set the destination folder for the FileZilla installation


Hit the Next button to continue
Choose the start Menu folder and click on the installation


The installation is completed.you can start the FileZilla now and click on the Finish button.


Install FileZilla On Centos 6.3
Before installing FileZilla using ‘yum’ command you need to install epel-release-6.8.noarch.rpm

rpm -ivh http://fedora.mirrors.pair.com/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

Install FileZilla with YUM

yum install filezilla

Goto Applications>Internet>Filezilla

Establish FTP Connection:-

  • Open your FileZilla Installtion and enter the following details.
  • Hostname-Enter your domain name or the name of the hosting server where your account resides.
  • Username-Wnter the FRP username(you can use cpanel username or new FTP account)
  • Password-Enter the corresponding password
  • Port-Enter the FTP port(by default it is 21)
  • click on the Quickconnect

Once the FTP Connection is opened you will see the listing of the remote server’s files and folder

FTP Accounts:-

To add new FTP accounts,click on the FTP Accounts icon from the Files box of your cpanel.(Cpanel is accessible at refer this link About cPanel)

FTP Account Creation refer below image


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